Playing outside is fun.
Enjoy your own time. Enjoy time with friends.
Enjoy outdoor play while feeling nature and culture.
I want to stay cool when it's hot, warm when it's cold, and get over it when it rains, and enjoy the fullest of playing outside.
Cultures vary. Music, fashion, arts, entertainment, sports. Just enjoy what you love. There are also a variety of outdoor activities. The moment you leave the house, outdoor activities begin. Mountains, rivers, seas, parks, grounds, and the roads we usually pass through are all places for outdoor activities.
Let's go outside with KiU and unleash ourselves. Let's do what we want to do.
KiU is an outdoor activity brand that understands climate, weather and culture.
Enjoy nature and culture to the fullest with KiU.
During the summer, when the sun was drought and drought, the blessed rain finally began to fall.
If the drought lasts for a long time, it can harm crops and cause inconvenience to daily water, making it a truly joyous rain.
Kiuu is a specific seasonal word in renga, haiku, and haiku.
The seasons were determined according to the facts of nature, and I think that people in the past coexisted with nature more than they are now.
We cherish what we can do now and do what we can do one step at a time.
That is what we put into the word "KiU."