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However, some images and other copyrights are owned by the original author. In addition, our comprehensive website is edited and copyrighted by World Party Co., Ltd.
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Copyright Notice
The copyrights to all text, photographs, illustrations and other materials on KiU Official Online Store (, as a general rule , belong to World Party Co., Ltd.
Some of the materials are copyrighted to the original creator. World Party Co., Ltd. has the right to use, conduct, alter and reproduce those copyright ed materials.
The materials on this website, in whole or in part, may not be reprinted, reproduced, altered, packaged, transmitted, translated, sold, or lent without the permission of World Party Co., Ltd., except in cases where they are used in an appropriate manner as an act approved under the Copyright Law of Japan, e.g. private or personal use, quotation.
Unauthorized copying or reproduction of articles, photographs, illustrations and other materials on this site is prohibited.
We will take legal action against anyone who violates the copyrights and intellectual property rights of World Party Co., Ltd.
Version of the Rules Statement
KiU Official Online Store ( is owned by World Party of Japan, the original source of the text, picture, illustrative material, and other materials.
Part of this is a material version owned by the original author. World Party Co., Ltd. enjoys its use, management, and construction of energy.
Excludes the Japanese version of the law's legal rights and does not include personal use or quotes, prohibited by World Party Co., Ltd., all or part of the contents and materials published on this website, or part of the materials, travel, copying, repairs, packaging, packaging, etc. Translations, keynotes, or taxes.
It is prohibited to use text, text, pictures, illustrations, and other materials published in this website.
Infringement Co., Ltd. The World Party edition of the official and intellectuals, and I am the one who pursues the laws of our general public.